Mi playa
Estar aqui y alla. No poder estar ni aqui ni alla.
My current artwork, which includes painting, drawing, collage, photograph, sewing, writing, and computer work, provides a layered exploration of the convoluted nature of the neo-colonial citizen.
By combining historical research and personal narratives, as they relate to the concern of circular migration and mobile livelihood, I investigate how family histories about moving between different geographical areas are part of the Puerto Rican historical condition of intense waves of migrations.
By using different materials and by incorporating diverse techniques, my work also explores themes related to the nature of hybridism and the shifting identities of the transnational citizen.
Please visit:
Mi playa
Estar aqui y alla. No poder estar ni aqui ni alla.
My current artwork, which includes painting, drawing, collage, photograph, sewing, writing, and computer work, provides a layered exploration of the convoluted nature of the neo-colonial citizen.
By combining historical research and personal narratives, as they relate to the concern of circular migration and mobile livelihood, I investigate how family histories about moving between different geographical areas are part of the Puerto Rican historical condition of intense waves of migrations.
By using different materials and by incorporating diverse techniques, my work also explores themes related to the nature of hybridism and the shifting identities of the transnational citizen.
Please visit:
Saludos desde Madrid y buena semana
Enhorabuena por la exposición. Ya nos enseñarás más obras tuyas
Saludos desde el otro lado del Atlantico.
emigren hasta mis cautivos
así festejaremos toda la inequidad
en que nos revolcamos todos
Llevando de la copa a la boca
hasta llegar de la boca
al asiento trasero
del trasero
a algun otro lugar
en donde podamos hablar
palabras con sentido estético
Enlía todas tus pertenencias
dientes,lágrimas,pelos y sonrisas
y echémonos a andar
yo llevare un paraguas y un bastón
por si nos cae la noche sobre el hombro
Caminaremos hasta Praga
y allí
a vociferar
en voz muy baja
para que todos sepan
que estamos hartos de que muera gente
como el viejito de la esquina
Deja que tus manos
emigren hasta mis huesos
y escúlpeme un nuevo y grande corazon
para poder decir te quiero
muchas veces.