Title: Dulce Despertar
Idea: El café como espacio creativo
Definition: Cafe, Café, Caffè
'a coffee house, a small restaurant selling coffee and sometimes other drinks or snack with a facility to consume them on the premises.'
This project is based on cafe culture and aesthetics of interaction. Coffee houses are spaces were everything is possible, from socializing, talks, writing, planning,organizing,and exhibiting, everything can happen there. The coffee house, as creative space, and the intention to relate gave birth to this series of events, visuals and writings.
Around February 2010, we started meeting in a small coffee house, El Dulce Despertar, located across the Audubon Terrace, in New York. The small restaurant sold coffee and pastries with tables to consume them. They also informally exhibited some artworks by local artist. In that setting, drinking coffee, we started having casual conversations where we got to know each other. The images and text were created based on the exploration of the experience of connectiveness.
The text documents the process and ideas that emerged through out the three months we met in the coffee house. It also gathers pertinent information and preoccupations. One of the main concerns of this work regards how people identify and develop commonalities and a language of relating to each other. The imagery developed in the form of photographs, drawings and events. We had two shooting days. One in the coffee house, that has since then closed down, and a second one in the Audubon Terrace.
The day of the second photographic event we looked and enacted the drawings against a monumental wall of one of the buildings in the terrace. We read the text: 'Going away, coming closer' and took frontal photographs of the poses. The visuals and text are still in progress. The project next stage will include the presentation of the visuals and text in the form of virtual dialogues.
A project about finding commonalities with Rafael Landron, Jose Palomino and Soraya Marcano
Idea: El café como espacio creativo
Definition: Cafe, Café, Caffè
'a coffee house, a small restaurant selling coffee and sometimes other drinks or snack with a facility to consume them on the premises.'
This project is based on cafe culture and aesthetics of interaction. Coffee houses are spaces were everything is possible, from socializing, talks, writing, planning,organizing,and exhibiting, everything can happen there. The coffee house, as creative space, and the intention to relate gave birth to this series of events, visuals and writings.
Around February 2010, we started meeting in a small coffee house, El Dulce Despertar, located across the Audubon Terrace, in New York. The small restaurant sold coffee and pastries with tables to consume them. They also informally exhibited some artworks by local artist. In that setting, drinking coffee, we started having casual conversations where we got to know each other. The images and text were created based on the exploration of the experience of connectiveness.
The text documents the process and ideas that emerged through out the three months we met in the coffee house. It also gathers pertinent information and preoccupations. One of the main concerns of this work regards how people identify and develop commonalities and a language of relating to each other. The imagery developed in the form of photographs, drawings and events. We had two shooting days. One in the coffee house, that has since then closed down, and a second one in the Audubon Terrace.
The day of the second photographic event we looked and enacted the drawings against a monumental wall of one of the buildings in the terrace. We read the text: 'Going away, coming closer' and took frontal photographs of the poses. The visuals and text are still in progress. The project next stage will include the presentation of the visuals and text in the form of virtual dialogues.
A project about finding commonalities with Rafael Landron, Jose Palomino and Soraya Marcano