This weekend, 1738 artists are opening their studios in Brooklyn in an event sponsored by the Brooklyn Museum. I feel the creative energy derived from this Borough full of artists. The artist studio is a private place where one works and imagines. It is the place where friends and family wander and in the best of the cases the artist welcomes curators and collectors from time to time. The studio is a space of memories and secrets regarding each work of art. A studio can be temporary or it can be inhabited for longer periods of time.

I have visited artists studios that tell about the artists character and life. Atelier Cezanne in Aix en Provence, even it has lost the artist  that once worked there, it still preserves the presence and the taste of the artist. Visiting the Atelier, I imagine Paul Cezanne looking at his garden through its windows.

If you visit my space you will find out that I love natural light, small things, and earth colors. You will see my work, my aesthetic sense, and my life; you may find something you like or not at all, yet you will feel an invitation to the visual in each corner.

Go Studio


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